Tulsi-Zen-Garden Proposal, Gujarat, India
本年の描き初め – A New Year Painting
jyotinaokieriA Happy New Year!!
Here is the first painting in 2018 by team Eri. It describes well our new life; colorful, dynamic and joyful!
#team_eri #newyeardrawing #acrylpainting #handprint #footprint #op5t #auroville #描き初め #合作
A Japanese Garden Project in the Auroville Botanical Gardens
Furniture for R&M House, Pondicherry, South India
KJ the 30 anniversary edition
My calligraphy work ‘Takumi – Mastery of Skill’ was featured in the 30th anniversary edition of Kyoto Journal. The work will be exhibited as part of KJ art exhibition in Tsutaya book store gallery in Okazaki park, Kyoto until 10th November. Congratulations and thanks to John Einarsen @kyotojournal and the KJ team for this opportunity!
拙筆を、Kyoto Journalの30周年記念号に掲載していただきました。作品は京都、岡崎の蔦屋のギャラリーに11月10日まで展示されています。