Nādāsana [Dwell in Sound in Sanskrit] is a music label established by Jyoti Naoki Eri on 19th July 2022 on his late mother’s birthday. The label aims to produce fine ambient/soundscape/electronica/experimental music.
As the subtitle states “Laboratory of Waveforms”, he looks forward to explore the sonic chemistries based in this Indian soil known for its spiritual heritage as well as the finest sounds from all over the world to integrate into a profound sonic experience.
He aims to help to create a future together with the artists and listeners, where unity in diversity would no longer be a dream but a living reality.

– The Andromeda Galaxy Exploration –
[Concept] It is year 2102. An intergalactic sonic research laboratory – Nādāsana – has launched their first sonic space probe mission into the majestic galaxy, Messier 31 – The Andromeda Galaxy.
Following the example of the golden record of NASA’s Voyager project which was led by Dr Carl Sagan(1934-1996), Nādāsana has curated fine ambient music pieces to establish contact with sensory conscious beings in outer space through sounds created on planet Earth.
Nādāsana considers ambient music to be music of evolutive creation, encouraging inclusiveness through time and space. Doing so, it opens a poetic and spiritual sphere of music for consideration which could offer a glimpse of the hidden stream of the eternal sonic creations of the universe. Nādāsana is an experiment to uncover the ancient mystery of AUM – Everything is Sound.
NOTE: This project is an imaginary concept (as of 2022). The selection of music can be highly biased, however Nādāsana’s love of music is honest and genuine.
Participating Artists (A-Z):
Double Cushion a.k.a. Matt Black (Cold Cut/Ninja Tune) [GBR]
Florigenix [AUS]
Mikkel Rev [NRW]
Petit Oiseau [GBR-IND]
Per Before [SWE]
Psychopanda [IND]
Strangebird~Sounds [BEL]
Yidam [IND]
Atomic Phantom [JPN-IND]

– The Pin Wheel Galaxy Sojourn –
It is year 2103. An intergalactic sonic research laboratory – Nādāsana – has successfully launched their first sonic space probe mission into the Andromeda galaxy in 2102, their next mission is to go further explore the distant space-time.
In this mission, Nādāsana has decided to take a sojourn in the mesmerizing beauty of the Pin Wheel Galaxy – M101.
Following the example of the golden disc of NASA’s Voyager project, Nādāsana has curated fine ambient music pieces to establish contact with sensory conscious beings in outer space through sounds created on planet Earth.
Nādāsana considers ambient music to be music of evolutive creation, encouraging inclusiveness through time and space. Doing so, it opens a poetic and spiritual sphere of music for consideration which could offer a peak into the hidden stream of sonic creations since archaic time.
Nādāsana is an attempt to uncover the ancient mystery of AUM – Everything is Sound.
Bandcamp Link: https://nadasana.bandcamp.com/album/inter-galactic-sonar-communication-probe-vol-2
Participating Artists (A-Z):
Francesca Heart [ITL]
Hélène Vogelsinger [FRA]
Sacred Seeds [IND]
Shipwreck Detective [USA]
Sibitt-志人 [JPN]
Six Missing [USA]
Songs For A Tired City [IND]
Tom Leclerc [FRA]
Atomic Phantom [JPN-IND]