Drink tea and cross the river [Varanasi 2015]
Pune Mirror/ 2.Dec.2015
Kan-Zi-Zai 観自在
“Calligraphy + Photography + Choreography”
A beautiful actress from Bombay, Tanvi Palav dancing in front of my work “Kan-Ji-Zai [観自在]- Identifying the Self as it is”. First I wasn’t satisfied by the work after displaying but her presence made the work complete and now I’m satisfied. Thank you Tanvi, Achyut Palav and Callifest team, and also Svayambhu Foundation, Pune for this wonderful occasion to present creative calligraphy to the wider public.
Calligraphy meets Batik
Carved on the Neem Tree
Ganga Maa
Time-bound existence is only a part of the immortal beauty of the Universe. Only our souls see the full portrait. Our mortal selves see the reality below sensations, reactions and intellectual analysis.
須弥山 – Mt. Sumeru
須弥山 – Mt. Sumeru on the Himalayan riverbed stone.
[Container – Ceramic Gold & Iron glazed / ふたもの、金彩、鉄釉、ヒマラヤの河原石]